Friday, August 2, 2013

Enter your Facebook post status in blue color more easily

Facebook post your status in blue color even more easily. Many people write in blue color status Usually  @+[1:[0:1:Your Text]]  by this method.
You can write by this method.
@+[1:[0:1:Your Text]] This method to implement, you need to have write 12 word. That means @+[1:[0:1:Your Text]]  "Your text" i have mention on this code. This will your text and it will blue color. For many people 12 word to remember little bit difficult. So, I am going to share with you How you can post status in blue color more easily.

Here the trick You can make blue color status just need 1 word to implement.

Which you want to write post status in blue color before putting it #

For example: #post your Facebook status in blue color" Then press enter. Your post has been blue. 

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    1. Thanks for your comment here. See you next here.
